Nothing but progress

I am officially in recovery and couldn't feel more myself! This past week I went back to Shriners for my doctor to crack open my cast to check to see how everything was healing. We all agreed that putting me under for the process would be much easier due to the fact that I don't want to see any of the pins. The whole process going into it was much easier than the first time, I was calm through the whole thing. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery room waking up. I was back home by 3 o'clock that day and my doctor said that everything was healing really well and that in 4 weeks I go back to get the pins taken out! I'm pretty excited!! I go back on May 1st to get them out, once they are out I get molded for my brace which will take about two weeks to make, but the cool thing is that I'll be in my brace right around my birthday! Although sitting at home and not being able to do much can suck at times, I have been loving spending time with my puppies. Looking back at this whole thing, I am pretty darn happy with how the whole feeling process has been going. Although the first 48 hours after surgery were the total opposite of fun, everything after that has been nothing but good! Thank you to everyone who has sent nothing but loving prayers, flowers, and cards. I couldn't be more grateful for all the wonderful people in my life!!

Talk soon!
