Hello, I'm Jaclyn lamacchia, I'm 17 years old and i was born with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, which makes me struggle doing many things as simple as balancing but i also have a hard time walking and going up and down stairs. As I've gotten older its become more of a struggle for me but ever since i was about 2 years old i have been going to Shriners Hospital for Children and they have helped so much. I have gone through two surgeries and still am going to physical therapy as much as i can. A little background on Charcot Marie Tooth; it is a neurological disease that affects my muscle tissue and nerves more than anything. i have to work twice as hard to build muscle and if i stop doing my exercises for as little as a week or two i lose all the muscle and progress i have gained. I am now reaching out to my friends and family, asking for your help to raise enough money to get myself a service dog. Although we don't hear about them as much, there are actual balance service dogs that help people like me preform simple everyday tasks such as walking, going up and down stairs and help me get up if i have fallen. How the dog helps is they have a vest just like every other service dog but on the vest is a bar (shown in the picture) that i hold on to when i need to. Getting a service dog would lead to many great things for me, most importantly to me is becoming more independent. But the process could take up to a year before i actually get one, which is why i want to start as soon as possible. I would have to go through a couple interviews and send pictures of my house to a service dog organization that i chose to make sure it is a safe environment for the dog. if you know me, or even if you don't one thing you should know is that i LOVE animals. i already have two dogs, a cat, and a pig. but of course he has his own house outside. Once i pass the interviews they then begin the search to find and train the dog that fits most with my situation. After they do several weeks of training with the dog i then have to train with him/her which contains going through many commands and scenarios. The cost of getting a service dog can be up to $20,000 and that is my end goal. the cost includes the training for the dog and the dog him/herself. i would have to keep up with the vet visits and making sure him/her is well groomed if needed and etc. like i said this could take awhile but i feel that if i start raising money now, it'll help show that i am a good candidate
and put 110% into everything i believe in.
I would like to give an incredibly huge thank you to Shriners Hospital and everyone there that has helped me, especially Yvette Santana for believing in me and my friends and family who have helped me along the way!
An account has been set up in my name at TD Bank so that all donations can be kept track of. Rest assure all donations will be returned if i am unable to get my service dog.
I also have a facebook page "helping for a cause" (www.facebook.com/helpingforacause) there i will be answering questions and keeping you updated. feel free to message me or email me at jaclynlamacchia@gmail.com Also i have a Gofund set up for online donations, the link to that is gofund.me/rp2bps3s Thank you!
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