Exciting News!

   I am extremely exciting to tell you guys that after a year plus of searching for the right place, i have finally found an organization i have connected with that is going to help me find my helper!! I mentioned in my last post that a close family friend of mine got information of a program for me and they have many bases across Western MA, so i looked them up and got some more info on what they do and whats kind of dogs they train. The name of the organization is Heroes, Horses, and Hounds (has a nice ring it to!). I have been in close contact with them for about 3 weeks now and they have been so helpful with answering my question and explain everything to me. They told me that they can train a dog to whatever needs i need, which is awesome and music to my ears! At the beginning of the week they started searching for a dog for me, which you can imagine how excited i got. I've been waiting for this moment and its finally happening, I'm like a kid in a candy shop. On Monday they told me that they found a dog named Hobbs that was going to be evaluated; he passed his test with flying colors! Now they have to make sure he is the right size for me and told me I'd be able to meet him next week! Just have to finish filling out some paperwork and send i out to them.

   I wish i could put into words just how excited I truly am, but as hard as i try i really can't. It's an amazing feeling to know that it's finally happening, after all the work I've put into this. To know that in the future, closer now than ever, i will be able to go out and do things by myself without feeling so vulnerable or scare. I'm so excited to see what is to come by having such an incredible bond with a service dog who is trained to help me be a more independent and braver me. I can barely contain myself!

Talk to you all soon!


  1. Congratulations! !! Hope everything goes well when you meet Hobbs Love the name!!

  2. Congratulations! !! Hope everything goes well when you meet Hobbs Love the name!!

  3. You are a gutsy young woman (like your Mom), I knew you would never give up- never, ever give up on your dreams. God hears your prayers and answers in His time for those who love Him. Always believe.


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