Another successful year at Pups and Pints! Clarence and I met a lot of new friends and got to enjoy the perfect weather playing with puppies and eat yummy food! If you didn't get a chance to come out this year make sure to mark your calendars for next years, September 30th! Congrats to Heroes Horses and Hounds for pulling off another amazing and fun fundraiser event!!! Thank you to everyone that DID come out, you guys helped raised $3,000 for the future and present doggos at Heroes Horses and Hounds! Below are a couple pictures I took that day, enjoy!
Also some exciting news towards my recovery, I am back at work! It's so great to be out of the house and actually being productive with my time. I am still non-weight bearing but the countdown begins, 15 days until the cast comes off!!
talk to you all soon!
Keep spreading some love!
Also feel free to donate to my service pup and our journey together!
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