Giving Tuesday

Hello Friends and Family! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately and haven’t giving you any updates post surgery. Things have been really well, i’m back on my feet and have been for about a month now! It’s so great to me back up and out and about. My doctor is very happy with how my foot has been healing and i can say the same! i have already noticed a difference and i haven’t even gotten full mobility back in my foot yet. I start physical therapy and have another check up appointment next Friday the 7th and i’m pretty excited! I’m very happy with the decision i made with going through with this surgery and fingers crossed this will be my last one!

Since i am just becoming confident walking on my own again i haven’t had many changes to go out with Clarence, my service dog in training. I will admit, we had an incident  happen the last time i took him out when i was still in my wheelchair that has made me a little nervous to bring him back out but i know i can’t let that stop me or him! After my physical therapy appointment and i start building my confidence and build some muscle in my foot i plan on taking Clarence out with the training!

Heroes Horses and Hounds, the organization that is training Clarence and that I work with is hosting a Giving Tuesday event to help raise money to place a service dog with a child with autism! Every penny counts and I hope you will donate to this wonderful organization! They are doing great things and I am so grateful to have found them and now be able to say I work with them!! The link below will bring you to the Facebook page!

talk to you all soon!
Keep spreading some love!

Also feel free to donate to my service pup and our journey together!
